Hydraulic cylinders

Hydraulic cylinders

Einfachwirkende Hydraulikzylinder für Hubtische, Hebebühnen und Handlingsysteme. Hydraulikzylinder werden angetrieben von Hydraulikaggregaten.

Hydraulic cylinders play an essential role in countless mechanical applications. Whether in mobile or industrial hydraulics: you will find cylinders everywhere which lift, press, clamp, push and brake, etc. There are just as many possible applications as there are models and design options. Having the competence and experience to design the exact matching hydraulic cylinder and procuring it economically as well as quickly is essential here.

Hydraulic cylinder single-acting: This is actuated only on one side and is driven back in by the load

Hydraulic cylinder double-acting: Driving in as well as the driving out is controlled by the hydraulic unit