The use of our hydraulics in a nuclear reactor disassembly:

Next Generation
Hannahs quality control first steps.

Projects with great potential
Fully automated parking spaces with hydraulic.
Here in Düsseldorf.

Compact, More Compact, OTTO-HYDRAULICS
Otto Hydraulics is proud of its in-house new development. With a diameter of 80mm our hydraulics is extremely compact.
The system can be expanded as required. The power of up to one kW can be called up via 12V DC or 24V DC.

State-of-the-art technology
Otto-Hydraulics is pleased about the introduction of a Product Data Management System with platform-independent browser accessibility

Fresh from the digital press of the company Südsicht
Otto-Hydraulics is pleased about the new data sheets for the compact units. These are now available on our homepage

3D data for Viewer

Production of HIGH Performers
The production is running. Improved handling facilitates the assembly of larger aggregates. Capacities of up to 100 kW and volumes of up to 1000 litres are now possible in the Steigwiesen 11.

Energy from our own Production
Otto Hydraulics focuses on renewable energies. Our PV systems stands and delivers 99 kWp!

Otto Hydraulics & Otto Fluid Control just arrived. The move is through. Business is going well. The working environment has improved clearly.

Move almost done
Otto Hydraulics & Otto Fluid Control just settled their new location.
please find our new production hall in
Steigwiesen 11
88090 Immenstaad am Bodensee

Multi-functional hydraulic units from Otto
May 2017
Otto Hydraulics can do not only compact and simple, but also big and multi-functional. For example, Otto Hydraulics currently supplies several hydraulic units for the operation of large rotary tables. These versatile performance packages are used for clamping and tensioning as well as lubrication. In addition, a hydraulic pump also delivers the warm hydraulic oil to the cooler. Another important function of the hydraulic unit is the filtering of the returning hydraulic oil.

Hydraulic unit restoration
At Otto Hydraulics we focus on the new development and production of hydraulic units. But we also restore and convert used hydraulic systems. This principally makes sense as long as it is economical and essential hydraulic components can continue to be used.
The last project of this kind was the retrofit of a hydraulic unit for a test bench. Next to thorough cleaning, it was fitted with a frame for the switch box, a bypass flow pump, and additional sensors.

Winterbreak 2016/2017
We will close our business from 23. December 2016 until 1. January 2017!

Flexibility and responsiveness as strength
Sometimes it just needs to go quickly: An order was forgotten, something is still missing for the short-term completion of a project or the end customer urgently needs a spare part. Otto Hydraulics demonstrates its true strengths in these situations. Everything is done to fulfil the customer’s requests promptly; our flexibility makes this possible. As such, it can even happen (especially for companies with standardised administrative software) that an order could not be triggered, yet the goods are already in dispatch!

Wall thickness analysis of control blocks
Control blocks in oil hydraulics are the central element of a hydraulic unit. The medium is directed by them and they define the function of the system. As such, the efficient construction of the control blocks is accorded particular importance. Otto Hydraulics leaves nothing to chance here and checks the wall thickness between the individual drill holes by means of 3D CAD design software, ensuring the blocks are not only constructed as compactly as possible but also as solidly as necessary.

Innovation from Otto – ZPU with hand pump
Our customers continually present us with new challenges which already have let us develop countless innovations. In this case, a compact unit with hand pump was required to open a heavy gate even in situations without electricity. Our ZPU is absolutely suitable for this, and our cartridge-shaped hand pump perfectly fulfilled the customer’s requirements. Also, a 1-phase motor was installed in this case as well.

Modification of our compact units
This hydraulic unit is a modification of the BF series. Adapted to the confined installation space, the compact unit fulfils customer requirements perfectly. In the logistics area of a major airport it serves to adjust a rolling surface.
When there is no room for the standard size, we can modify the compact units of the BF and ZPU series entirely according to customer request. Our creativity is (nearly) without limits.

Reproduction of spare units
We regularly receive enquiries for spare parts and complete hydraulic units as replacement for disused systems. These enquiries not only refer to goods supplied by Otto Hydraulics but also to hydraulic units from third parties. We are frequently requested here to not just retain the function but produce an identical 1:1 replacement as well.
We are very pleased to accept this challenge so that our customer’s systems and devices can continue to produce while keeping the expenditure for them as low as possible.

Power boost for the automotive industry!
In a recently concluded project, two power units were again supplied by Otto Hydraulics. A hydraulic unit consists of two 45 kW motors (intermittent operation), a 1,000-litre container, and produces a volumetric flow rate of 186 L/min. at 250 bar.
The two hydraulic units are an integral part of lorry lifting platforms in the production facility supply chain of an automotive manufacturer in Germany.

Hydraulic blog online
Competence is the essential basis for success at Otto Hydraulics. We are more than happy to share our knowledge and experience with our partners and customers because our priority lies in solving problems and providing help. And so Otto Hydraulics has created a blog featuring short articles on the principles of hydraulics, the structure, function and components of a hydraulic unit and its maintenance as well as handling instructions for solving typical problems.
This way to the blog:

Competence in tool machines
Otto Hydraulics develops individual special solutions for tool machines in cases where our standard (e.g. ZPU series) is insufficient. For example, pictured at right the compact hydraulic unit for the clamping device of a machining centre.
This compact unit is perfectly suited for the high requirements of our customer: it is extremely quiet and virtually vibration-free, robust, and takes up very little space.

New Data Sheets – 5th Edition
Not quite one year after the last revision, Otto Hydraulics revised the data sheets of the compact units once more. In addition to a new design and a few corrections, the type code now offers much more options which can be selected as special equipment.
On a separate note, the compact units ZPU20 and ZPU21 have also been updated now to the new type code structure.
All changes have already been incorporated in the Type Code Generator.

Design of units
Along with the newly designed internet presence of Otto Hydraulics, a very useful tool has been added: The Type Code Generator
With this feature, compact units of the ZPU series as well as the BF standard units are easy to design and enquire online. The complete type code will be developed gradually by clicking on the desired feature. This can be enquired either via e-mail or directly via the connected form.
Requests for modifications or special versions can be enquired as well.

Download area complete
The Download Area of Otto Hydraulics is now also available as supplement to the newly set up internet site. Here you can also download all operating and maintenance sheets in addition to all product data sheets as well as our General Terms and Conditions.

Our new internet presence is online
We’re ready now – after months of preparation we have finally put the new internet site online. Next to the new features “Type Code Generator” for the standard and compact units and “Preparation of offer for Hydraulic Unit“, Otto Hydraulics is even more comprehensively presented by the pages “Portrait” and “Philosophy“.
But more importantly, customers and partners are provided with a much more personal insight into Otto Hydraulics. Special thanks at this point to all employees who have now given Otto Hydraulics a different character in the true sense of the word.

Innovative force from Otto Hydraulics
In the last few months we developed a special injection valve for the company Zeppelin Systems GmbH. The valve is a special solution for injecting different fluids during rubber production. The compact construction permits large volumetric flow rates with low resistance at the same time, and its slim dimensions exceed the requirements of prevailing installation space.

New Data Sheets
Otto Hydraulics has expanded its offer in the area of Compact (ZPU30) and Standard Units (BF10 and BF25). A much more varied range of possibilities is available now and we have revised the type code setup.
The new data sheets are directly available via the respective product pages.

Otto is not afraid of size!
At present, a special unit will soon be available for delivery. With a total of 108 kW in S3-40 % operation and a volumetric displacement of 228 L/min, this special unit was a challenge for us, but one we gladly accepted and met successfully.

New Generation of Pressure Switches
Our supplier, ifm electronic, informed us last year they would be re-sorting their pressure switch offer in the near future.
As a result, Otto Hydraulics will be converting to the new series in the foreseeable future since the old pressure switches of the series PN500X and PN700X will soon be discontinued and then no longer procurable.
Guardian Seal
Otto Hydraulics relies on quality in all areas – which is also the case for the Eaton-Walterscheid tube fittings we use. For months we have already been installing fittings with the innovative Guardian Seal TM coating by Eaton-Walterscheid.
You can procure Guardian Seal TM coated fittings from the company Eaton-Walterscheid through Otto Hydraulics.
We look forward to your inquiry.